Der Wissenspodcast rund ums Auto
00:00:00: Music.
00:00:05: Sport erklärt es trifft vermutlich auf die Mehrheit der Autofahrer zu ohne Musik Radio oder Podcast unterwegs sein geht gar nicht.
00:00:14: Einblick in die auf Preislisten der Hersteller zeigt häufig sind optionale Soundsysteme die teuersten Extras im Katalog und trotzdem werden sie gekauft.
00:00:23: Was also macht das Auto als Klangkörper so besonders und wie läuft die Implementierung einer hochwertigen Hifi Anlage.
00:00:30: Um diesem Thema auf den Grund zu gehen bin ich heute in Kirn südwestlich von Lyon bei fokal deren Sound Systeme unter anderem in Modellen von Bentley alpin und DS stecken und hier kann ich mit Automotiv businessmanager Million Selami sprechen.
00:00:45: Hello and welcome thank you for your time hello Soul at which point of the vehicle development are you involved Emine.
00:00:53: Währung give you finish Karin tell you just to put in some speakers Norway today,
00:01:00: AMS Notstand Pedigree Spears before the launching of the car in Fakt.
00:01:07: Achso Nase in your design is ready with the thing about Designhaus where I play the speakers what we can do what will be the size of the Grills anschauen,
00:01:18: okay and what makes a car special special place for experience the sound apart from that you can turn the music louder to cover some strange noises maybe all account to make the guy I used to have been
00:01:32: Seiser lot of advantage listening Musical cast of all your city.
00:01:38: It looks a Muse but what is it when you try on this is perfect moment to enjoy some music you have to.
00:01:48: To go to one place your twenty minutes in front of you so you can enjoy your best friend only its closed.
00:01:56: You don't disturb everybody except maybe your friends are coming with you better.
00:02:04: Pizza privat place you do whatever you want and I know today you cannot.
00:02:09: 3 very fast very often saw enjoying you travel sound and taking pleasure.
00:02:15: Alice and the magic is still a good thing to do in UK and something about implementing HiFi-System sing a song I got to know that three aspects are
00:02:27: impotent ist bei bration,
00:02:29: the positioning of the speakers and isolate and can I confirm in what's the matter with the point of course if you want to do good quality sound system.
00:02:39: Juni Trabant grau Neuss fight club so Installation ISO importanti Türkei silence.
00:02:48: Ja bestens todo gute Qualität so it's really important about Speaker location yes this is really important for focal we consider that because of speaker.
00:03:00: Auf partikular technologies if you want to get the best performance of them you need to take care of the integration außer.
00:03:09: Allocated what type of Green we're putting in the front
00:03:13: what is the direction you are targeting with your speakers on the suspect are really really important to get the final sound performance we are looking for and this way you get in touch with manufacturers
00:03:25: Foyers bevor the lounge Texas
00:03:29: it's not easy when you are late in the project to move something in the coming from the moment the design is frozen.
00:03:36: Wir können ja change anything deutsch best ich will keine Diskussion before and really Premium sound in the car DK itself has to be Premium as well Wittmunder sorry but it can elb-lodge AIDA Promi mit K.
00:03:51: The Brandi dringen lot of effort in term of sanitation your body clock on foot with the seeds with the doors,
00:03:58: visomat j-son disease alpine-lodge together the final feeling of quality on the final performance of the song itself.
00:04:07: Wikinger Premium bei recognise that.
00:04:12: EnOcean und sound system is one of the most expensive Express you can put into account the the the the material sorry that the time it takes to calibrate this tomorrow thing in Hall exam,
00:04:25: bamix Swiss in between are of course the speakers were using,
00:04:30: ine premium-soundsystem Autoteile difference from the one you're with standard system including Sommerfahrt technologies Serbin develop the ring Minions,
00:04:41: also lass dich also Preis und Obersatz.
00:04:46: When you be an option Audi obschon most of the time you're the front door panels you are sometimes insulation the ticket for the Windows it's giving to the car lot of different parts,
00:05:00: Anjas this also caused if you want to get WiFi quality addieren
00:05:05: what are the best materials that we use for car-hifi System 1 Jordan for flagstones in the upper in a one hundred and for example and the Rangers quite right from stainless steel 2-komponentige Honor natural basic
00:05:19: is there anything that fits best into the car into the sound of which Sounds nature you want to Agadir,
00:05:29: ina J&K we will use mouse and flax flax technologies this is very warm Sound inseamna für Medion frequencies.
00:05:40: If you are going to North America as an example we will use more of War Kevelaer konz.
00:05:46: Könnte ich diese mal Sportif immer dynamic view of the speaker an addieren.
00:05:52: Also Sony Xperia cities mobility to North America Taste beekeeper sounds like.
00:06:00: When it's loud selektiver soundgasm like when it some really pushing a lot of energy in Europe Small World clarity Sound stage DJ Prestige,
00:06:14: Endeavour last question do you have any advice to improve the performance of a car Sound System Bike.
00:06:23: Not turning the deep frequency is all the way up never lose the objects in the car travel around all the time is there something I can do.
00:06:33: Ja anders dann yorck-kino Satz when we prepare a song Tuning the nominal something in your eyes when every Setup.
00:06:43: Ist adressant Opposition so seerobbe Sigrid this is where you get the quality you want to offer to you.
00:06:52: Und doppelsatz of course the planning of what you are listening for depending on the morning going to the work.
00:06:59: Wie viel Jahren ist Saturday night and you are going to party you will need to change a little bit the new features be careful with that changed the colder the cool Beate Mensching ISO Soundqualität if you are.
00:07:14: Bring to the maximum values 11 will be very important und weiß also ist.
00:07:21: Take care about your music to drugs you are using it better you can use
00:07:26: USB to get the best quality is your way of large format Cursor lossless quality and this is the best way to get the full performance of your sister
00:07:39: ok dann thank you very much for your time that about it
00:07:44: Ende vielen Dank für die klangvollen Einblicke ich werde mir als Musikliebhaber künftig wohl Autos aus dem höheren Preissegment aussuchen müssen Grüße gehen wir mal raus an meinen Bankberater wir hören uns dann
00:07:57: das war auto-motor-und-sport erklärt und ich bin und bleibe Patrick lange.
00:08:01: Hier wird uns fehlen zwei Wochen am Freitag überall wo es Podcasts gibt wenn es euch heute gefallen hat klickt ja noch abonnieren damit der keine weiteren Folgen verpasst.
00:08:09: Hinterlasst doch gerne eine Bewertung auf iTunes
00:08:12: und falls Sie eine Frage an den heutigen Experten oder einen Vorschlag wenn anderes Thema habt den wir auf den Grund gehen sollen schreib uns gern an Podcast - ich sage danke fürs Zuhören tschüss und bis zum nächsten.
00:08:25: Music.